Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Today, I set fingers to the keyboard to post on twitter and on my blogs. The new social media is a wonderful way to hone my writing skills. Although everything is so short now. Our attention span is quick and very, very short. Perfect, just like my mind!

Being an author is a very liberating gift. To take the most powerful things in the universe...words and use them for good. At least that is what I hope. Words are so very powerful and sometimes we forget how they impact people. Ah, to remember that each word out of my mouth can either give or take away.....remember.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Kelly A Moss

Hey everyone, this is my personal Author page. I hope that all is well and everyone is fine. My first book comes out this year, called The Santa Club. As time goes on I will give you my personal story of how it is to be a new published author. I promise to publish as much as possible and will direct you to my other blog pages. So check back when you can.

Thanks for visiting.

Kelly A Moss